Project Overview
Light Valley Solar is a proposed solar farm located near Selby in North Yorkshire. The development proposal will consist of a new solar electricity generating station and associated battery energy storage system (BESS).
Light Valley Solar is a proposed solar farm located near Selby in North Yorkshire. The development proposal will consist of a new solar electricity generating station and associated battery energy storage system (BESS).
The proposals include five site panel areas, located between Monk Fryston, Hambleton, Eggborough and Escrick. A 500 MW AC grid connection to the transmission network has been secured at National Grid’s Monk Fryston substation. The proposal also includes underground cabling, both on and off-site, to connect between the sites and to National Grid’s transmission network.
The current total project area (excluding cable corridors) is approximately 1,050 hectares, and includes space for panels, electrical infrastructure, mitigation and enhancement.
Light Valley Solar is located within the administrative area of North Yorkshire but due to the amount of clean electricity it will generate, Light Valley Solar is classed as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) for which a Development Consent Order (DCO) will be sought.
Details about this can be found in the planning process section on this website:
Please see our proposed site location map below, including indications of:
South Plan
Please see our proposed site location map in our interactive map below.
North Plan